Company Profile TOP
Message from the President
Mitutoyo Group Philosophy System
Company Profile
History of Mitutoyo
Quality and Technology of Mitutoyo
Sustainability / CSR
Introduction to Mitutoyo Institute of Metrology
Numata Memorial Hall & Mitutoyo Museum

Sustainability / CSR

What we can do to protect the global environment

What we can do to protect the global environment

Mitutoyo has acquired the ISO14001 certification across the entire company, and by operating an environmental management system, we are further performing environmental management in full swing and reflecting it in our business activities.

Carbon Neutral Initiatives

Environmental initiatives

Toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals “SDGs”

Toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals “SDGs”

The world is aiming at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals “SDGs” by the year 2030. Mitutoyo has set up priority areas by linking SDGs with the “Six Guidelines in Mitutoyo's Management Principles. We aim at achieving the SDGs together with the world.

Initiatives to achieve SDGs

Creating a “lively” atmosphere that increases employee happiness

Creating a “lively” atmosphere that increases employee happiness

Mitutoyo believes that a company's goal attainment, growth, and profits are linked to the happiness of its employees, and is therefore promoting initiatives to maximize the happiness of each and every employee.

Management that takes care of its employees

Social initiatives

Mitutoyo contributes to the promotion of culture, science, and sports while living in harmony with the local community.

Compliance initiatives

We will continue to work on activities aimed at making us a company that is trusted not only by customers but by many others for years to come.