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Accredited Laboratories

Utsunomiya Calibration Center, Mitutoyo Corporation

The Utsunomiya Calibration Center, as a global MRA accredited laboratory, provides calibration services of measuring instrumets such as micrometers, calipers and dial gauges as well as standards such as gauge blocks, step gages and standard scales.

Accreditation No.
Accredited Laboratory
Utsunomiya Calibration Center, Mitutoyo Corporation

Calibration Procedures and
Type of Instruments/Materials
to be calibrated
Range Expanded Uncertainty*
(Level of Confidence
Approximately 95%)
(L (mm):Nominal length)
Gauge blocks
(Comparison method)
From 0.5 mm up to 100 mm 0.06 µm
End gauges with flat ends
(Interferometry method)
Up to 2100 mm (0.18 + 0.38×L /1000) µm
End gauges with flat ends
(Comparison method)
From 25 mm up to 1000 mm (0.4 + L /1000) µm
From 0.5 mm up to 1060 mm (0.5 + L /1000) µm
Standard Scale Up to 350 mm (0.10 + 0.12×L /1000) µm
More than 350 mm up to 1000 mm (0.06 + 0.25×L /1000) µm
Micrometers Up to 25 mm
(Micrometer head only)
0.3 µm
Up to 500 mm (1.2 + L /175) µm
Calipers Up to 600 mm 0.02 mm
More than 600 mm up to 1000 mm 0.03 mm
Height gauges Up to 600 mm 0.015 mm
More than 600 mm up to 1000 mm 0.020 mm
Depth Gauges Up to 600 mm 0.02 mm
More than 600 mm up to 1000 mm 0.03 mm
Calibration testers
for dial gauges
Up to 5 mm
(0.0002 mm scale)
0.10 µm
Up to 25 mm 0.3 µm
Up to 100 mm (0.1 + 4.8×L /1000) µm
Dial gauges Up to 5 mm
(scale interval 0.001 mm and 0.002 mm)
0.5 µm
Up to 10 mm
(scale interval 0.01 mm)
1.1 µm
More than 10 mm up to 50 mm
(scale interval 0.01 mm)
1.3 µm
More than 50 mm up to 100 mm
(scale interval 0.01 mm)
2.2 µm
Up to 50.8 mm
1.1 µm
More than 50.8 mm up to 100 mm
1.7 µm
Dial test indicators Up to 0.6 mm
(scale interval 0.001 mm and 0.002 mm)
0.5 µm
Up to 1.6 mm
(scale interval 0.01 mm)
1.3 µm
Cylinder gauges From 6 mm up to 400 mm 0.7 µm
Electrical comparators ± 5 µm 0.15 µm
± 200 µm 0.2 µm
± 2000 µm 1.0 µm
Ring gauges From 6 mm up to 80 mm 0.7 µm
More than 80 mm up to 120 mm 0.8 µm
(Average diameter)
From 2 mm less than 120 mm 0.06 µm
From 10 mm up to 40 mm (0.24 + 2.6×L /1000) µm
These values are the smallest uncertainties. Therefore, they sometimes differ from the uncertainties written in the Calibration Certificates