Information / Press Release
Mitutoyo Report
Regarding Counterfeit Products

Press Release

February 15, 2016

Framework Agreement with TAG Optics Inc. for acquisition of shares and commercial alliance

For enhancement and added value of its line of optical products, Mitutoyo Corporation has concluded a framework agreement with TAG Optics Inc. based in Princeton, New Jersey, USA.  The agreement includes the acquisition of a majority stake of TAG Optics’ shares and the development of a comprehensive strategic technological and commercial alliance.


TAG Optics’ device, the “TAG LensTM,” is a revolutionary “tunable lens” which can change focus in sub-microseconds without any moving parts.


By adding this technology to microscopes and other automatic testing equipment, Mitutoyo will provide innovative, and ultra-high speed, high-resolution non-contact inspection solutions,

such as obtaining an all-in-focus image of 3D objects without any moving parts, which cannot be achieved by any other existing method.


By incorporating TAG Optics’ advanced technology into a variety of Mitutoyo’s proprietary technologies, new innovations in advanced measurement and testing solutions will be achieved and brought to market, leading to a revolution in manufacturing technology.


*TAG Optics Inc. is a start-up company, founded in 2011, which spun out of Professor Craig Arnold’s research at Princeton University.